Startups and small businesses need branding to gain the customers attention. Once their business becomes a brand, it will be easy for them to attract users. Digital Marketing Company experts always claim that nothing can be better than SEO and PPC for promoting their business. It will be hard to say whether PPC is better or SEO. Pay Per Click (PPC) can show the result in short period, but it can be heavy on the pocket, whereas SEO service can be used for organic ranking. It offers stability and long term returns to the company, but for this, the company has to be patient. Through this article, we will try to put light on how SEO and PPC are beneficial for small businesses. 

What is SEO? 

Every search engine has its own primary results for every search done by people on that particular search engine. The keyword ranking is based on the relevancy of the content. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an activity of improving the search result of the targeted website. Through various techniques, they try to bring the site, webpage or video in the top search result. Being the best SEO management company, we know how to bring your site on top search results to drive more traffic. 

Why is SEO Important for Small Businesses? 

70 percent of the traffic generated on the web is originated from major search engines (Google, Yahoo, and Bing). Only those websites and pages can grab the attention of the users which appears on the first page of the search result. Only 20% of the total internet users, visit the second page of the search result. Being new in the industry, it is crucial for you to hire an SEO management company that can improve your visibility on the search results. Only a good SEO analyst knows what techniques, tools, and strategies should be adopted for this purpose. If you are looking for a long term result, then you must invest in this. 

What is PPC? 

PPC stands for Pay-per-click where the advertiser has to pay a certain amount every time their ads get clicked. The ad appears when someone is already looking for the product or service you are offering. This is one of the best online marketing platforms and it increases the chances of getting noticed by the people. Pay-per-click management services can be used for quick and easy results. Google AdWords and Bing Ads are the most popular PPC platforms. 

How Can PPC Help Small Scale Businesses? 

PPC can benefit your new business and can bring the attention of people in the quickest manner. Here are some reasons why you should adopt it. 

  • If you want results faster, then it is the only solution. 
  • It lets you measure everything related to the campaign right from the cost to views and clicks. 
  • It reaches the audience that is looking for the same product or service. 
  • Pay-per-click management service can be used with the right keywords to increase brand awareness. 
  • You can test which campaign on which platform worked best for you by analyzing the CTR. 

Both PPC and SEO are entirely different from each other. You can attract organic traffic through SEO without paying anything, on the other hand, PPC ads appear above organic listing but you have to pay for each click. It is hard to say which one is better; it solely depends on your business needs and budget. Digital marketing companies use both these methods to bring results for your business. An integrated marketing strategy can do wonder for your business.