Result is the ultimate differentiator when it comes to deciding on the best SEO company in Australia. Every business owner knows that creating a website is just the first step. Unless it appears on the search engine and the relevant audience find it on the first page, visit it, and performs actions, the results won’t be there. The business success is closely tied to SEO metrics and hence only the best SEO agency should be trusted for the task.

Best Agency Is Result-Focused

The best SEO agency Perth knows business relevance of key SEO metrics. It identifies the most important ones and works persistently to deliver a better ROI on marketing spend. Before engaging the agency it’s crucial to discuss which business relevant metrics will be focused. Here are some important ones:

Organic Traffic: The visitors that land on the website from unpaid sources. It may be from search engine, or any backlinks. The more the organic traffic comes from different sources, the better are the chances of conversion.

Conversion Rate: How many times a visitor signed up a newsletter, called, purchased from the e-commerce store? This metric tells it and must be tracked.

Number of Backlinks and New Referring Domains: It refers to the number of backlinks referring to the site. The more high-quality backlinks refer to a website, the higher it ranks on search engines. New referring domains are considered more valuable to more links from an existing referring domain.

Keyword Rankings: It refers to the ranking of website pages for targeted search queries. By researching right keywords for business, this best SEO agency Perth ensures that your website gets relevant traffic.

Click Through Rate (CTR): It is another key metric, which indicates the percentage of impressions on Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP) that resulted in a click. For instance, if a website appears on the SERP for 100 times for different searches, but only one visitor clicked on it, it means the website has a CTR or 1%. The higher your website appears on the SERP higher is CTR.

Bounce Rate: It refers to the percentage of visitors that leave the site without taking action. For instance, there were 100 unique visits to the site, but 5 of them left the site without taking action. It means that the bounce rate is 5%. If the website is well-written and properly presented, with proper meta-descriptions, the bounce rate can be significantly lowered.

Domain Authority: It is an important factor indicating the credibility of a website. The higher the number the more authoritative the website is, and the higher Google ranks it. Domain Authority Checker tools indicate this number on a scale of 100. It depends on the backlinks profile and the content.

Several other important factors need to be considered e.g., Page Speed, Pages Visited Per Visit, Crawl Errors, On-Page Optimization Score.

Best SEO Agency Perth Has Expertise

The technical know-how of the agency and the capabilities move the needle for the SEO metrics that matter the most to business growth. Hence, it’s also crucial to find out what activities the agency will perform to reach the SEO goals.

Increasing Organic Traffic requires

  • Identifying the content issues and fixing them
  • Finding new keywords to target
  • Creating and posting blogs
  • Improving the architecture of the site and getting more sitelinks
  • Be present in featured snippets, etc.

More Conversions are achieved by

  • Giving social proof or testimonials
  • Leveraging brand personality, visuals and video to connect with the audience
  • Making it simple to sign-up, purchase, etc.
  • Using minimalist website design with relevant content
  • A/B testing the lead capture form, etc.

CTR is enhanced by

  • Research long-tail keywords
  • Writing effective meta-descriptions
  • Implement structured data
  • Creating posts with image
  • Using descriptive URL etc.

Bounce Rate is reduced by

  • Optimizing the payload time
  • Making content scannable
  • Optimizing for relevance
  • Including a single call-to-action
  • Using logical internal linking structure etc.

Domain Authority is enhanced by

  • Creating great content that other sites will like to refer
  • Promoting the content over social media
  • Implementing link-building strategy
  • Regularly guest blogging for reputable sites
  • Reducing low-quality links

Best Agency Has Delivered Projects

There are several practical issues that crop-up while implementing a SEO strategy in practical. Overcoming them and delivering the results in practice comes with experience. Even the best SEO company in Australia (like ours) had to understand the challenges of rendering SEO services in Perth to emerge as a trusted provider for the location.

Best Agency Puts You First

Prices of SEO services vary significantly from one SEO company to the other. However, the SEO agency Perth (e.g., Online Presence) will understand the requirements fully before giving a price. Several activities need to be performed and they must be discussed so that the scope of work can be finalized beforehand. Usually, the price is provided in the final stage of discussion.

Best Agency Serves Promptly

Working with local SEO company offers many advantages. You can reach out the representatives to discuss any potential issues. Further, working with people who know the local businesses (or the competition) and improve the SEO strategy to get past it. Regular updates and progress reports also gauge to monitor and ensure that efforts are being made toward producing desired results.

Getting the best SEO agency Perth to work on your website ensures that the SEO goals will be met. Consequently, the desired business growth will be there too!

Online Presence is a leading Australian digital marketing agency. The company has expertise in Local SEO and successfully delivered many projects across the continent.