Facebook is very popular in Australia amongst all age groups. As per Genroe, 16 million or 66% Australians are using it on a monthly basis.  

For a small business planning to grow over social media, a large Facebook audience offers the right opportunity. People have been using apps to buy product and services. However, most SMBs are having a tough time and spending big to build an app may be beyond their budget.  

What about your own shop on Facebook and Instagram? 

It is inexpensive to create and maintain. At Online Presence, we can help to create a Facebook and Instagram shop. We will also keep it updated with products as the old ones sell out and new ones are added.  

Facebook Store Makes It Easy for the Audience to Buy from You 

As a small business owner, you would be interested in selling your products without incurring too much cost. Facebook shop is the best way to create your online store on Facebook as well as Instagram.  

You can choose which products will be displayed on the store. Creating an impressive store requires using right combination of fonts and colors. Once your shop is created, the buyers would be able to get in touch with your over the WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or the Instagram Direct. 

Online Presence is a premier digital marketing agency in Australia that offers end—to-end e-commerce solution to our customers. For SMBs, setting-up Facebook shop is the right starting point – and we’ll ensure that your get the success.  

Give Your Buyers a Convenient Shopping Experience 

How will the buyers visit your Facebook Shop? There are following ways for it –  

  1. Visiting Your Facebook Shop Directly – Buyers can search for your page and once it opens, they can click of the ‘Shop’ tab and see all the listed products. 
  2. Searching for the Product on Facebook Search Engine – When someone searches for your desired products your shop will appear in the result page if, they buyers have chosen to view the results from ‘Shop’ in the particular ‘Location’ 

For instance, if a local buyer wants to eat pizza and searches for ‘Pizza’ in ‘Location’ with following settings Shops (On) and Location (On). The visitors can visit your shop if they know the name, they can search for it, visit the shop, select the product and buy it online.  

Mobile Friendly Shop Presence  

A small business who is looking to grow online might not have big budget to spend on a smartphone app. A Facebook Shop is designed with mobile buyers in mind. So, while using their mobile phone, they can easily visit your Facebook Shop.  

Boost Sales and Revenue 

Your Facebook Shop will boost sales and get more conversions from the visitors coming to it. Brands have used this Facebook feature and seen their business grow.  

Here is an example of a brand using the Facebook Shop. 

Zimba is tooth-whitening brand used this feature and has seen incremental order coming from the shop. Visit Zimba’s Facebook Shop here: https://www.facebook.com/zimbawhitening/  

The brand prominently invites the shoppers to check-in with a ‘View Shop’ button on its profile page. 

Once you click on it, you can see the product listed along with the discount offer. (a very useful feature when you are running a sale) 

Click on one of the products – Variety 3-Pack – Whitening Strips 

The product page is very much like an e-commerce product page. Here are the benefits   

  • Large Product Image – Displays the product in full. 
  • Discounted Price and Original Price 
  • Details – Product details are in this drop-down. 
  • Delivery and Returns – The details about the Shipment and Returns are there in this drop-down. 
  • View On Website – It takes you on the product page on the website where the buyer can make the purchase.  

At Online Presence, we can create Facebook shop for your small business and give your audience to view he products and even make a purchase.  

Why Choose Online Presence to Set Up Facebook Shop? 

We a premier digital marketing company offering end-to-end e-commerce solution. Facebook page shop is low-cost way to create a mobile friendly e-commerce presence. Your followers can pick view various products, and also get the complete details.  

You don’t have to worry about how to create a Facebook Shop – that will be our responsibility. Our team can also promote your newly created shop to relevant audience. 

Ready for your Facebook Page Shop? 
Reach out to our experts right now ! Call Us Now: 02 8350 6927| Email Us: sales@onlinepresence.io